Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ page, where we provide you with quick and comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions. Whether you have questions about our products, our policies, or anything else, you will find the information that
you are probably looking here.


If your question is not listed, please contact us via this link or email


When will I receive my order?

Netherlands: Delivery time: 1 working day (order before 23:00)
Belgium/Germany: Delivery time: 1-2 working days
Rest of Europe: Delivery time: 3-5 working days

I want to return my order?

Returns can be easily registered via the returns page at the top of the menu bar, up to 45 days after receipt.


How does the Xedor USB stick work on my iPhone (USB-C)?

1) Connect the usb to the iPhone.
2) Open the Photos app.
3) Select the photos that need to be moved to the USB stick.
4) Click on the square with the upward arrow in the bottom left.
5) Scroll down and select 'Save to Files'.
6) Click under the title 'Locations' on 'Untitled' (otherwise click on '< Browse' at the top left).
7) Click on 'Save' in the top right.

How does the Xedor USB stick work on my iPhone (Lightning)?

1) Connect the USB stick to the iPhone
2) As soon as the USB stick is connected, a pop-up notification will automatically appear on your iPhone's screen.
3) Click on the pop-up notification to go to the App Store and download the recommended app.
4) Once the app is installed, you can immediately use the USB stick to view, manage, or transfer your files/photos.

Does the Xedor USB stick work on my Pioneer DJ controller?

The xedor usb stick works on your Pioneer DJ controller, provided it is a newer variant that supports a usb stick with exFAT format.

How do I install the Xedor SSD XR75 in my Playstation 5?

On YouTube, the video is titled: M.2 SSD installation for PS5 console
This video shows step by step how to install the SSD drive.
The video is also available on the product page of the Xedor SSD XR75.


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